17 days post-op.
As a guy recovering from this surgery I am grateful for the state of the world. I am grateful my parents, in-laws, and everyone else in this world has been given a chance to protect themselves from this crazy virus. As an educator I am selfishly grateful that my recovery can continue to happen from my bed or couch, as this has helped me tremendously. That being said I am very sad for my students, I know this is not what they signed up for. Some, if not most of us thrive in the classroom, this new remote learning model is definitely not for everyone. Lets get into the surgery stuff now. Like I said, this virus thing timed very well with my recovery. I have had to go into work one day since surgery. That day was one day shy of the one week post-op mark. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. The worst part was any time my ankle wasn't propped up the pain showed up quickly. Now this pain was never more then say a 4, maybe 5 at most. This...